HOW Did I Miss These Guys – Fat Freddy’s Drop

I owe a big thanks to Gisele N. Mendez, one of my followers (this is so cool that people are following me – thanks everyone!!!!) for putting this out there so that I could find it. The song’s called Wandering Eye, but it’s making my mind wander in wonder. I can’t believe that I don’t know about these guys, because they are seriously AMAZING!!! I need to open my ears to the world back up again, because I am obviously missing some great inspirations. I’m a bad girl (ok, that didn’t come out right…).

Anyways, WOW, do yourself a favor and check these guys out: Fat Freddy’s Drop. They are a New Zealand band who’s been playing together since 1999, and I can’t stop listening once I start. Their brand of music mixes dub, reggae, soul, jazz, rhythm and blues, and techno, but their beats just leave you wanting more. A whole lot more! OMG, I’ve got to get their music on my iPod (yes, one of my weaknesses – I caved ages ago like a sinkhole). New Zealand isn’t only a gorgeous place that I’d love to visit, but their music is also wickedly insane if this is what’s on offer. LOVE! : )

And here’s a site that connects you with more musicians from New Zealand. I’m going to be checking this one out a lot more closely. And Wiki even has a page (or two) on a lot of the available talents.


So thanks again, Gisele! I owe you big for this mind-blowing find. I know that I heard this song last week, but it’s the perfect way to start a week, no? And thanks for the recommend for my first article at Urban Times. I totally missed your tweet as I wasn’t paying attention when you mentioned the title and my name (still not used to that yet – I’m a baby crawling around in the Twitterverse). My timeline keeps popping out new wonders every minute. And I get so close to my writing that the details sort of blur sometimes (yes, things like titles which are way at the beginning). So, keep your eyes open as I’ve got tons more to talk about. It’s great to have these conversations with others!

Here’s one for you, Gisele, and your hubby: Kimbra’s Good Intent (love this atmosphere)


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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1 Response to HOW Did I Miss These Guys – Fat Freddy’s Drop

  1. Thank you, Carolyn!!! I’m so glad you liked Fat Freddy’s Drop this much 😀 I’m about to read your new article at Urban Times so you should expect my comments + another recommendation via Twitter!

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