Super Mario Brother in Analog

Teague Labs has reinvented the classic game, Super Mario Brothers, into a do it yourself scrolling game in a box that uses their Teagueduino. They describe Teagueduino as an open-sourced electronic board and interface that allows any user to create their own invention without having to solder or knowing how to code. It even comes with lessons on learning how to do program and work with embedded development. If you want to help with this project, then go to their Kickstarter page and jump in. It sounds like an amazing project that keeps on giving. What’s better than that?

You’ve got until October 6th, if you want to help their Kickstarter project. Some of the pledges are a little higher than normal, but you’re getting a full Teagueduino kit, so it’s well worth it if you into programming and creating on your own. Amazing!


– another DesignTaxi post -> Teague Labs -> Kickstarter


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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