Occupy Together – Is It Coming To You?










The conversation is happening around the world and it is truly inspiring! Many people are for the Occupy people’s movement, which started with Occupy Wall Street. Many people are against or don’t understand the movement for a whole slew of reasons (e.g. this movement has an identity crisis; these people need to get jobs; the government will get you back; this isn’t going to last; there aren’t a lot of people there…). While this back and forth squabbling that has been tearing our country apart for decades continues with no abate, there are people who are finally taking it upon themselves to at least publicly acknowledge that there are just too many things wrong with our country. Partisanship, ideology, religion, greed, self preservation…they all have their hands in creating this perpetual stagnation that we are drowning in.

So, if not now, then when? When does the situation become so critical that we actually have to acknowledge that the people need to step up and do a better job of working together. Will this work for you: Fed Chief Raises Doubts On Recovery (right, we never recovered from 2008 – we’re smack at the deep end of it – well, the “real” people are)? Our country actually lives in two separate worlds: reality tv and reality.

Under reality tv:

  • Wealthy kids can act as spoiled as they want, because Mom and Dad (or someone else) are footing the bill.
  • Politicians look like the pretty people, as long as you don’t look too deep.
  • The news likes to show violence and mayhem so that our institutions can justify spending more money on everything related to “safety”.
  • The climate isn’t changing. It’s just a hot cycle that our planet always goes through (like they were there the last time).
  • We aren’t destroying the environment and ecology – we’re creating jobs!
  • There is no class warfare. People just aren’t trying hard enough to become rich like those they “see” on tv.

Under reality:

  • Violence really has increased for a variety of reason (e.g. desperation, greed, power, loosened gun control, lobby groups dismantling safety mechanisms, etc.)
  • Most of reality tv only covers a small percentage of the population. Small town inhabitants up to city dwellers do not live like the Kardasians, the Hiltons, the Vanderbilts, etc.
  • Increased industrialization on a worldwide scale has been steadily dismantling the planet’s ability to heal itself (e.g. deforestation, drilling, mining, etc.)
  • The inability for people to think beyond themselves is stopping actual progress. Events like political elections should be treated as a responsibility to look at the entire country’s future, and not just how much money you won’t pay in taxes. Civil actions such as not patronizing superstores that are killing small business enterprises are not being done by those who are losing their jobs while saving a little money. And worst of all is our complete adoration of ideologies that only seek to divide by choosing a single group as the “chosen one”.
  • Politicians that reflect the self-absorption of a populace are dismantling everything that made this country great. Doesn’t that make you feel anything?!?

So, while a large percentage of the population, media, government, and business world look at this movement in disdain, they are just ignoring the realities brought upon us all by a tunnel-visioned mindset of profitability and success. Because we had so many gurus who told us the steps we needed to follow to be at the top, we blindly swallowed their methodologies without worrying about side effects. We are now living in the world of side affects: pollution, inequality, perpetual warfare, dog-eat-dog consumerism, and me, Me, ME. Sad to say, that isn’t the start of a joyful song.

So, it really is up to the people if we really want a democracy like we say we do. Those at the start of this democracy got hurt, got ridiculed, and got beaten. Many died. But they knew what they were fighting for. So the question is: Do you know what you’re fighting for in the long run when you say that you support true democracy?

I’m not going to say that I’m feeling secure being out of my comfort zone. I don’t and it’s a struggle. It’s scary because I’m taking on such a huge challenge, though no scarier than being self employed. I have distractions and concerns that try to derail my focus. But I also have personal grievances of how we work together that I want changed. I refuse to run anything in my life the way that we currently are. I am giving what I can in order to help make the big picture just a little brighter for us all. I have just begun my walk. This is just a single step in a long walk that will take the rest of my life. I am awake. I am now occupied with what is important to my soul and my heart, as well as my mind. I know that it will be hard, but it will be worth it when we change the world.

Let’s occupy the world together to rebuild it the way it needs to be built. Here’s one method coming near you: Occupy Together. There’s probably one in your area. And another is to go out and do something that you believe in. Fix something. Make something better. Because the 99% above and around the world need your help. It’s not a pretty picture anymore. But we can make it beautiful once again if we work together.

And if you’re in San Diego, the Occupy SD starts on Friday, October 7. Stay safe. Be non-violent. Stay strong.

Here’s some good info from Occupy LA if you’re attending any Occupy Together movement:




– “Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That’s where the fruit is.” – H. Jackson Browne


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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