Connection Breeds Innovation

People are always talking about whether the onslaught of information is causing overload in our brains. Well, on one hand, we do have to weigh what is useful and what isn’t. But sometimes, even the most inconsequential piece of information or image can actually cause something to trigger in our heads that says, “Now, what a minute! Don’t throw that out just yet…”

I for one can testify to the fact that I take everything in. Perhaps the curious side of me just doesn’t want to let go of potential. It takes me a while to push something out of contention with my creative side. I literally like to look at everything around me in more ways than a straight-forward approach. Think back to the movie, Who Framed Roger Rabbit (yes, again dating myself – but it was an fun movie), in the scene where real-life objects turned into animations with personalities that matched their new appearances. That moment caused those who changed to see reality from the perspective of a figment of someone’s imagination. Can you imagine a dream coming to life in full techni-color and affecting your own thoughts? Well, many creative types do this for a living on a daily basis. But, the ability isn’t limited to those who pursue this line of activity for a living. Anyone can do this by simply paying attention to those things or moments that seem inconsequential. Because it’s in those moments that you are not paying attention to details that can make a difference in your perceptions.

One way that we stretch our minds past the point of comfort is when we meet someone new. A connection that hasn’t been established yet. These connections can be moments of true inspiration because you’ll be integrating a whole new mindset that you may not be used to contemplating. Well, be sure and contemplate every bit of that connection. Take notes and keep them handy for those moments when you can dwell on them completely. Let your mind loose with the new concepts and see where they might take you. Any connection anywhere can lead to innovation. It’s all in how you look at things. Don’t look at something with your own mindset. Step to another angle and view it from another person’s perspective. You just might create the next best invention that the world is waiting for with baited breath! And you’ll have people helping you popping up in the most unexpected of places. Exciting and inspiring, isn’t it?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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