Home On The Free Internet Range

Jonathan Zittrain believes that the Internet is actually made up of random acts of kindness, and he’s proving it in the video. No matter how crazy the requests or ideas, you can find people who believe in it with you and will help your idea along. It’s the stuff that dreams are made of. He contends that there will always be people out there who will answer the Internet “bat call” to action for something, no matter how far fetched simply because there are people out there who feel the same way as the person who sent out the call.

Jonathan is a professor and legal expert on the Internet and maintaining its open network structure. He has written a multitude of books on the growth of the Internet leading to filtering through gate keepers. He speaks extensively about the fact that the open architecture already has honest netizens who will ensure the safety and accuracy of the online date, while providing a humane outlook that becomes removed when incorporating artificial intelligence which thinks in the black and white terms in which they’re coded.

We are in exciting times as the Internet connects our home on the free Internet range to levels that even the telephone couldn’t. AllĀ The types of information, the personal stories, the embarrassing videos, and so much more are put out every minute of every day on the Internet to be shared. And the netizens prove over and over that we really are all of the true governing that is needed to maintain a free Internet that cannot be controlled by governments, institutions, businesses, or any behemoth that seeks to become the ultimate gatekeepers. The way that this stays is to find those groups that maintain this mindset, become familiar with them, and support them to stop Internet filtering. Because our home on the free Internet range really is a beautiful place that is maintained by each and every netizen willingly.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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