Tribes Connect For Change

Seth Godin is a guru to many who love his blog and books on marketing in the 21st century through empathy and connection. He believes in finding a calling instead of finding a job. His message is clear. Fitting in isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But challenging a comfort zone can be (although it also not easy or common). Being a person who sticks out like a sore thumb in status quo is actually a signal that you might be the type of person who wants to affect good change for a better world. 

Looking around us, it’s pretty easy to see the things that need to be fixed because they are everywhere. But there are also just as many people who don’t want change to happen for a variety of reasons like:

  • Comfort in the familiar
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Profitability
  • Apathy

Fortunately, there are also a lot of people who don’t want to wait for change, but want to help it happen now. He has spoken extensively on our need to create tribes in which we thrive. We create them by having something that we believe in so much that we put out a call for like minds to gather with us. Every new entrepreneurship that starts up, every non-profit organization, the worldwide Occupy movements, social revolutions: these are all examples of tribes that are calling for people to join in to help make change happen. Every new burst of energy that they send out reverberates against the norm and shakes it’s walls just a little more. The cracks have been forming for a while, and those tribes continue to send out new pulses until change forces the walls to come crashing down. When this happens, then we can start to build a new and inspiring world that we all dream about.

It takes a long time, and it’s not for everyone. You have to feel the pulse permeate your body to see if you are on the same frequency as it. But there’s little to worry about because there are a lot of pulses resonating throughout the world. Chances are there’s one that fits your frequency. And if there isn’t, well, you can always send out your first signal and see who responds. You might actually be the one responsible for starting another tribe that helps make this world better for us all. Why not give it a try?



About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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