What Is Your Perfect World?














With all of the talk of remaking our world (at least in my mind and a multitude of others), I constantly wonder what the perfect world would look like. Not necessarily Utopia, though that would also be wonderful. In my mind, the world takes on hues of every shade and luminosity. But no matter how hard I imagine, almost every time, nature manages to outdo even what my head can come up with.

Take, for instance, this image of a terraced rice field in Yunnan, China by Thierry Bornier as presented on National Geographic. The colors and the intricate lattice work of the terraces make up such a sublime image that also reminds you of those fill-in-the-color puzzles we played with as children. Whenever we are in need of a kick start, then all we have to do is look at the world around us. Whether it is natural or man-made, there are rhythms that speak to our souls which allow us to find inspiration for creation.

My perfect world would be a diverse blend of people who are pursuing their desire to make the world beautiful. Whether it’s through their work, or art, or other forms of imagination, they would have full freedom to collaborate in creating art that harmonizes with the beauty of nature and yet still manages to have a clear individual tone of the purest vibrancy. There would be no more black and white in this world, because we would be blending such diverse tones so that they speak in highs and lows that resonate with our internal rhythm. And the visual music would alter our thoughts so that we would learn to co-exist in a universal melody where everyone is important to the song.

No more limitations to what we’re allowed to create, because we will be creating from a place of purity of intent. No more limitations to what we’re allowed to experience, because these experiences will only help us grow in fullness. No more strife with the intent to cause the intentional pain of another. Of course, we would still have full grasp of every emotion that we’re capable of, but only for the intent of creation. Never destruction. I wonder if I’ll ever see this world? Not that I will ever give up making it with my own capabilities. I would never forgive myself if I didn’t keep trying. I want my Utopia and welcome others who want to help build it together. Then it becomes “our” world to nurture and grow collaboratively.

So, what is your perfect world?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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