How Do You Code?








How does a person learn to code without going through the trials and tribulations of learning to understand the code. Well, how about approaching it as a game where interactive features and recognition of successful codes are the foundation for the learning process? Codecademy is a new start-up created in August 2011 by co-founders Ryan Bubinski and Zach Sims, who chose to use their previous experiences and knowledge to help learn the world to code. They know that the 21st century world will require a knowledge of coding, and want to help others get there. Gaming is a prevalent part of our lives, and can be a great motivator for visualizing problems and coming up with creative solutions. It can even help us see an event from another perspective. Codecademy is focused on Javascript because of its straightforward and easier nature, and is having some great success so far with over 200,000 users in the first 72 hours of their launch. I’m keeping an eye to see if they expand their offerings. The first few lessons were completely painless, straightforward, and uplifting. What a great educational tool!

– found through DesignTaxi post -> PSFK -> Codecademy site



About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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