Get Well – Scott Olsen











I’ve been thinking about him since I heard (and saw via video) about his injury, and can’t believe that I didn’t post anything. I have one simple wish for Scott Olsen, that courageous Iraq-war veteran who was hurt in Occupy Oakland two days ago: GET WELL SOON! It’s preposterous that Scott was hurt at the hands of police officers who are supposed to protect, especially since he escaped injury in two tours to Iraq. I don’t want to post the injured picture of him, because I want him to return to how he looks above (picture from Occupy Wall Street).

This should not happen in the USA  or anywhere – ever! I’m joining my well wishes to those others going out to him from everywhere.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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1 Response to Get Well – Scott Olsen

  1. Ken says:

    500+ pictures of people holding signs saying “Get Well Soon, Scott”.

    People can send their wishes to and it will be posted on the site. Can attach pictures and videos, etc to email.

    Please spread the word and link to the site!


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