Cranio Protecting The Amazon














I honestly couldn’t think of a more appropriate way to fight for the protection of the Amazon rain forest and its inhabitants. CRANIO, a Brazilian street artist, has been busy creating a ton of messages that make a loud political statement on a subject of global concern: protecting these precious natural resources from the hands of corporate greed in all of its forms. If you go to CRANIO’s Flickr page, you’ll see that his quite prolific creations make him a playful yet honest speaker for those who can’t speak for themselves. His use of colors make his images pop to a passerby, forcing them to take a glance and ingest the message (in this case, Amazon Rain Forest for sale). This kind of political statement is something that anyone can get behind with a smile (well, except for those money guys he’s talking against, I suppose), while still getting that behind the hilarity lurks something quite serious and profound.

– found from an amazing Arrested Motion post -> Street Art News post -> Paulo’s Abduzeedo post -> CRANIO Flickr page


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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