Ending On A Sweet Note


Dolled Up Cupcakes


Cafe Pouchkine’s Strudel

Food design is so fascinating to me. Desserts, especially so. The sheer artistic masterpieces that can be created from just a little bit of sugar and spice and everything nice is a wonder to behold. Although I do love nibbling on sweets, I find that looking at them is (almost) as fulfilling…to my brain if not my stomach. Those insane competitions that pit one culinary artisan against another make you gasp in amazement (and horror when the creation falls). The numerous blogs of fans and creators that spin webs of cotton candy onto your catatonic and envious brain cells are such amazing treats:

And magazines like the long-defunct Chocolatier, along with beautiful books like the International Chocolate Cookbook show you glistening, colorful images of what the mind can create when the hand is in tune with a spatula. But my most favorite book of all is this one by Sandra Boynton, of course:

And here is Paris Pâtisseries enjoying another treat, the Pomme Tatin au Sirop d’Érable :

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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