Hugo & Victor









I have become mesmerized with the content and imagery on Paris Pâtisseries, and their coverage of the famous Hugo & Victor shop in Paris speaks of an architectural designer’s dream as much as it does about the tastes. I can honestly say that those of us outside of places like Paris are definitely not used to seeing desserts being treated at the same level as jewelry. According to their post, you can order from any of the displays and a fresh one will be lovingly packaged and delivered to you. That’s taking personal service to a whole different cloud level in this dessert heaven.

From the clean lines to the color balance that bursts away from the monochromatic background, this whole store is simply eye candy of a whole different magnitude. Anyone who enters here will probably have that same sense of blinding shock because of all of the beauty. Adding stellar service, gastronomical wonders, and clean magnificance just seems like icing on an already drool-worthy treat. I can honestly say that, for once, I am envious of this experience. Patisseries come in so many different colors from the dessert palette, but Victor & Hugo walks on a level that few seem to walk in any trade. C’est magnifique, Paris Pâtisseries et Victor & Hugo!!

p.s. Experience a walk through Paris by going through this entire blog. The photographs of the people and places are simple breathtaking and must be seen! Find out more about the talented (and probably full from all of the treats) man behind Paris Pâtisseries, Adam Wayda.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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