Callie Is Also Swoon(ing)

I was excited to see this Ted Talk by Callie Curry, who is also known as Swoon. She is one of the geniuses (the others being the New Orleans Airlift and many, many more artists and supporters) behind The Music Box. This particular vision started out as a Kickstarter project with the purpose of building musical architecture. With a successful campaign bringing in a lot of support, the work to bring the prototype musical masterpiece ended with a successful launch at the end of October, and is now the foundation for the next phase named Dithyrambalina. The temporary structure will only be around until the end of the year with limited performances scheduled, but from all the talk I’ve been hearing, the final house will be a thing of wonder. It’s already getting quite a bit of coverage in the art world, and is even filtering out to the mainstream world.

If you look at Callie’s extensive artistic history combined with her endless humanitarian efforts, you’ll see a woman who believes that our internal magic can make all of the difference in the world. She tells her favorite story about a homeless man who found one of her street art creations and called it the neighborhood’s secret. If someone was open enough to talk to him, then he showed them the “secret”. The entire neighborhood felt as though someone had left them a precious treasure. I seriously thought that this is so amazing that people can take such joy from an act of creation and build on the positive emotion so that it just kept spreading. And Callie’s following is also growing in recognition, which is to be expected for such a talented and caring artist.

-from a HiFructose tweet – thanks!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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