Comic Creators – THANK YOU

This is the ending of one of my most favorite cartoons I read while growing up (well, passing into adulthood). Needless to say, when the ending was announced by Bill Watterson, I was feeling mixed emotions:














I am one of those who has always been accompanied by a comic (one from many genres) at many points in my life, including now. And I say that with a great degree of pride because I feel that this activity, both collecting and reading them, led to an expansive imagination and dreams that push my creative thoughts past their limits. Because I don’t have the amazing drawing talent of many of these tremendous creators, I live vicariously through each of their creations and I love each and every one of them with a multitude of emotions. But no emotion has ever told me that this activity is superfluous, simply because it allows me to keep my sense of wonder alive. To be able to look at the world through the eyes of a child is a supreme joy, and to retain that ability into adulthood is a miracle.

To all of you comic creators (there are too many to list and I mean everyone of you), those I know and those I still haven’t yet met, please know that your creations are appreciated by so many of us. Your visions tell stories new and old, and teach us lessons that are sometimes unexpected but always welcome. Without each and every one of you, this world would be a dimmer place. You are an integral part of the creative world, and have helped many of us onto our own paths of creation through your much-needed works. Don’t ever stop creating!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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