Hardest Thing You’ve Done

I saw this video on Good, and thought about the message that I saw behind it. When I was younger, I loved to do crazy impulsive things that made me feel alive. No, they were never life-threatening (at least I never thought so), but they took me out of my comfort zone and taught me new and different lessons. That familiar comfort zone is warm and cozy, but it can also be limiting. Once you’re comfortable, it takes a lot to move you. And that is a place that I no longer want to be. This decision is changing how I live my life, and what I choose as important. Some things will always be important, like friends and family. But some things that I felt passionate about have usually taken a back seat in my life’s agenda. No more.

The hardest thing that I’ve done was leave the world that I know behind to pursue those things that have been on the back burner. It’s caused a huge shift in how I perceive work and its associative relationships. I can’t pretend that everything will be alright anymore, because my eyes are opened and unfiltered. Sure, it causes me to be more pessimistic at times, but that is in the short term. Looking long-term, all I see are the possibilities and what I need to do with them. Am I happy with where I’m at right at this moment? No. Frankly, I’m completely out of my comfort zone because I’m in unknown territory. Will I be happy later on? That’s up to me and how I move. The good thing is that I’m finally moving in a direction that I want to go. The path’s going to be long, but I’ve got a vision that pushes me forward in baby steps.

Read Chris Guillebeau‘s post: What Should I Do About My Life? It’s people like Chris who finally allowed me to embrace my true path, and for that, I’m not only thankful but need to work hard so that this opportunity is what I envision it will be.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve done lately?


p.s. Bravo to the Denali team for reaching their latest dreams. May you always keep reaching new ones!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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2 Responses to Hardest Thing You’ve Done

  1. Carolyn, very nice piece. Love the link to AONC and the Steve Jobs quote. WOW! You know, you are a godsend with these links. You are a go to for content for me. Hey, this meshes nicely with a piece I published on Thursday. Wonder if you had a chance to read it. http://theviewfromhere.ca/2011/12/01/spontaneity-does-anything-really-go/

    • Carolyn says:

      Glad you liked this, Ralph. Chris is definitely someone to follow as he’s always got something amazing to say or do. That Steve Jobs short really spoke to me as well. Your piece on spontaneity was also so well done – Bravo!

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