Daniel Danger’s Memories











I am seriously kicking myself for not having paid closer attention to a showing at Rotofugi back in October. Daniel Danger had a showing called “There is Wanderlust Growing in Your Bones”. The piece above is of the same title, and one that I fell in love with when I first saw it. Now, I happened to once again stumble upon this young New England artist on My Modern Met. The main reason that his works draw me in are the moods depicted in his images that remind me so much of another favorite artist of mine, Edward Gorey.

If you want to get a tiny but wonderful feel for who he is, just take a look at his bio: “Amidst old houses dead from the fallout of urban sprawl, railway bridges asleep from neglect, and trees that engulf everything; his work attempts to remind you of something you may have said to someone, or something someone may have said to you; back in that time period thats just too far away to remember clearly, but not so long ago you forgot about it completely. His memories and many of his friends are simply ghosts now, shaking him awake with mistimed alarm clocks and the sounds of a television from across the house. Documentation is key to get through the day. Things are always changing and its easy to lose yourself.” How can you not be drawn in after that intro? I know that he’s captured my interest.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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