It’s been a while since I’ve seen a more appropriate piece of street art that truly depicts the corruption that is Wall Street. Liqen creates such an impactful image of people so trapped in their dystopia that they hardly recognize the signs of insidious imprisonment in which they dwell. It’s even appropriately titled “Wall Street Labyrinth”, though it actually resides on the Wynnwood Walls in sunny Miami. Liqen simply drew what he felt, and boy did he nail how so many of us feel.
On another awesome note, it seems that this is Liqen’s first piece in the United States, but hopefully he’ll do many more. Most of his work can be seen in various parts of Mexico. He continues to create masterful imagery that speaks against what humanity has become due to industrialization, using the insect world that he admires as the archetypes for human devolution.
– awesome find from My Modern Met