Book Landscapes











We don’t see the books that are no longer used, so we don’t know what happens to them. What happens to their knowledge. What we forgot because it’s no longer around to learn. Well, Guy Laramee wants to pay tribute to that forgotten knowledge in the best way possible: by sculpting their content straight onto those books that teach. Now, history becomes a three dimensional image that sets us onto the landscape from which that knowledge came. We feel the emotions that created that landscape. We understand just a little more about their draw and their lessons. What’s more powerful than a connection to your subject?

Find out more about this powerfully creative man who seems to cover a wide range of knowledge (his CV is incredible), but see the sensitivity with which he pursues his discussion of our cultural fascination of knowledge acquisition. As Guy said about his travels and his work, “the sky covers the earth”, landscapes where clouds wrap up mountains, as if to protect them. This image became a directing symbol in my work. The fog is now my way to pay tribute to those artists who looked for freedom, not in an hedonist imagination or in the security of concepts, but in the heart of uncertainty.” So true, isn’t it?

– from a DesignTaxi post


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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