You all know Maurice Sendak from “Where The Wild Things Are”. TateShots created this inspiring interview with the legendary creator who is known for writing children’s books, though he doesn’t believe that’s what he’s done. He’s a big fan of William Blake, though he admits that he has no clue what he’s saying. That says a lot about him that he continues to follow Blake’s works because he loves them. He also loves that his works are considered inappropriate, and continues to strive for this. Not because it’s inappropriate, but because it’s thought provoking, I’m sure.
One of my favorite quotes in this short interview is his response to why he doesn’t do “Where the Wild Things Are II”: “Go to Hell, Go to hell. I’m not a whore. I don’t have to do those things.” Though his entire interview will be a favorite of mine, and many others who love what he’s doing.
When I listen to the words of some of my heroes, what really strikes me is the fact that they’re as human as you and I. The same problems, the same insecurities, the same hopes and dreams. But they manage to overcome them all because they’re simply doing what they feel. Their passions center around their talents, and they simply fill the well with each new creation. They’re probably getting more out of their creations than we are. And we are getting so much from them. So, here’s another creator telling us his words of wisdom that build upon all of those other creators who feel the same way. It becomes pretty clear what we humans are capable of doing when love is involved. That should be our biggest endorsement for ourselves. What we are capable of creating with love. That’s a lot.
– thanks Brain Pickings
And here’s another thoughtful interview by NPR: This Pig Wants To Party