More SOPA talk by Senator Wyden

Yes, I’m still talking about it because it hasn’t gone away. Sure, the supporters are dropping off more and more each day. We’ve heard what happened to Go Daddy, and now Sony is being targeted by Anonymous for their continued support of this damaging bill that will destroy the way the Internet works. But the outcome for SOPA is up in the air until the House Judiciary Committee meets again in late January (Protect IP is on hold in the Senate by Senator Wyden). Senator Wyden did an interview for C-Span’s The Communicators that goes into depth about his take on why SOPA and Protect IP are so frightening.

It’s 2012 and it’s time that we all stand up to the way things have always worked. The ways of old are destructive, and our future needs to be constructive. There are better ways than this to fight true criminality without taking away the rights of mankind. Ask the people as they already do a lot of things that stop others’ bad actions before they go too far. An example is their response against Big Money’s actions like idiotic process fees that rob people of their hard earned money (B of A and Verizon), and these disastrously short-termed and misguided legal visions that our Congress continues to push for those who pay them to do so. Unfortunately, this won’t go away until we get serious about picking politicians who understand what their jobs are. But we people have a lot of work to do ourselves to create a new world that embraces what the 21st century needs. 2012 is obviously that year!

Remember to look at the OPEN Act to see an alternative to the existing crazy laws that are being pushed. And keep yelling until Congress goes deaf with all of the opposition. It’s going to be a bumpy year in politics.

p.s. We’re not the only country doing these idiotic practices to protect the current form of capitalism: Spain just approved their own version, and Belarus has banned access to foreign sites. Seriously, what do they put in politician’s food and drink to make them continue to walk into brick walls?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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