Thought For The Day – Whispers

Being an author is having angels whisper in your ear – and devils, too – Terri Guillemets

When this quote passed through my tweet stream, it seemed like the perfect description of artistry. I can always feel an unconscious push when my mind engages with something that passed through my senses. Until I put my words down, my mind usually won’t let go of that imagery, if its conversation is too powerful. It will prick at me, whisper to my soul, and tantalize my imagination. Once it is set free, a new world will come into being. These treasures fill my soul with glee, for they can sense that their life is just beginning. And with that, a smile will cover my face for I know that I have given birth to something precious…even if it only to me.

That these unconscious yearning come from angels and devils do not cause me alarm. They allow me to understand that there is much in this life that will never be explained. And that means that there is no limitation to my creation as well. Now is the time to let your wings stretch, so that you can soar amongst the wonders of this glorious universe and be as moved as it wants you to be.

p.s. Do yourself a favor, and go read more quotes by Terri. They really are a delight!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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