Thought For The Day – What You See




It seems like a good time for another thought for the day, and this quote in my tweet stream says it all. Did we look? What do we see when we look at anything? Do we see the physical, or do we delve deeper and see the hidden messages that are trying to not only be seen but heard as well? Take a close look at that person sitting near you. Did you notice anything beyond the surface? Like maybe the clothes look new, but the style’s just a little old. Or maybe that slight droop in their shoulders as though they’re having a tough time. Or maybe that person looks shabby because they’ve put everything they have into a dream that they really want to come true.

You see emotions of every kind on every person. Sometimes they’re true, but sometimes they might be hiding something much deeper. So, do something sincere when that person’s eyes meets yours. Smile. Say hello. Tell them to have a great day. Ask them how they are. It’s the simple things that we hold dear, because it comes from the heart. It’s the least complicated thing that we’re capable of doing, and that means the most to a lot of people who don’t expect it. No pressure. Just love. Because everyone’s got something to be loved, whether it’s a talent, a personality, or just because…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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