Feel It


Yes, another year of Superbowl commercials that end up teaching you something (well, a few of them do), no matter how superficial the presentation. And here’s my favorite car ad featuring bugs who know what’s important in life. No, it’s not things like cars or anything else that is shiny and expensive.

How about the experience of the experience? I’ve said it over and over again, if you’re not feeling it, then you’re not living it. Sure, it won’t guarantee a life full of shiny, expensive things. But what about a shiny, happy soul? Isn’t that more priceless than anything we could try to own. Owning is fleeting, unless you’re owning who you really want to be.

Feel it, live it, love it. You’ll find that the future suddenly does look bright, because you’re embracing the meaning of life. Whatever that might be to you.

Man, I love that kamikaze bug at the end!!! ; )


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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