









I found this heartfelt message about awareness for homeless childrenĀ Bumblebeelovesu on My Modern Met, and couldn’t resist sharing this with you all. With the demise of social nets in America and around the world, this is the kind of message that gets lost in the soundbites that call for the continuation of our superficial world. Just like these children get lost in the system that was started to protect them, but hasn’t been doing enough to nurture them as they allow them to simply survive.

Life should guarantee that we all are protected from the dangers that are lurking everywhere, caused by social decay. Fortunately, the social world is becoming a loud voice that is informing status quo that existing is simply not good enough. We should be all thriving and full of hope. Although the battle has only begun to see which world we all eventually choose, we all need to remember that we all have a hand in making change happen. It’s not an easy action to uplift, when so many people will tell you that change is impossible. That’s just wrong and defeating! Nothing’s impossible if we believe. What will it take for us all to believe in fixing all of the problems that we created, so that the future isn’t full of children desperately hoping that this isn’t what life is all about.

I hear the cries of the children? Do you?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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