Shawn Wants Us To Have Happy Work

Shawn Anchor is the CEO of Good Think Inc., and his Ted Talk is absolutely hilarious and yet educational. His outlook is so great as he looks at the world with such a delightful perspective. Instead of making his hurt sister remember her injury, he told her that she was a baby unicorn. And this trend seems to have continued throughout his life until now, as he studies the psychology of happiness.

What he’s found (that we all already understand) is that our world is so fixated on the difficulties of life, that we view happiness as a luxury. He wants business, education, and the whole world to restructure how we pursue our lives and our days to concentrate on actions that will bring out the happiness that will make our successes follow with less pressure. I wonder how long it will take for the rest of the world to figure out what many of us already try to pursue as we work on having a full and creative life.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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2 Responses to Shawn Wants Us To Have Happy Work

  1. Hey there,
    A friend at work sent this to me as well. Shaun talks very fast (I suppose with only 12+ minutes you have to) and he is very funny. To the point of his talk.

    This is a very important topic and it truely works. I was, for a time, in a rut and my lovely wife is an extremely positive person. This attitiude and behaviour has rubbed off on me. Shaun’s point of increased productivity, etc makes so much sense. Logic is funny that way. It’s good to listen to the reinforcement of these ideas so that you always remember that they actually make a difference.

    Thanks for posting this and I hope things are well. :mrgreen:

    • Carolyn says:

      Hello yourself,
      I’m glad that Shaun resonated with you as well. I didn’t notice his speed as I’m also a fast talker. His happy really is contagious, and I love his imagination! If the world did what he says, it would be such a better place. I know that when I read a mainstream newspaper that has nothing but good news on one page, I will know that a) a miracle has happened, b) the news crew was replaced, or c) someone gave everyone a happy pill. Happiness really is a necessity in life.

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