They’re Back – With A Ride

Yes, the Animation Workshop is back with another adorable Bachelor film project called Ride of Passage. Unlike the other men who hunt as a right of passage into manhood, Toki has gone on a different route. This route involves an unexpected friendship with a super-large chameleon who has taken a liking to this adventurous boy with a big heart. And it just goes to show you that the ride that takes the unexpected path just might be more fulfilling to you, even if it’s not what everyone expects. Life is short, go enjoy the ride that you crave!

Great job to this incredibly fun animation team from the Animation Workshop: Christian Bøving-Andersen, Casper Michelsen, Eva Lee Wallberg, Tina Lykke Thorn, Søren B. Nørbæk, Allan Lønskov, Jakob Kousholt, David F. Otzen. The future of film looks incredibly bright with the amazing talent that’s coming from here!!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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