Whole Earth Catalog




If you listened to Steve Job’s commencement address, then you heard him extort the amazing creation that was the Whole Earth Catalog. Unless you were a reader of it back when it was in publication from 1968 to 1972 and sporadically until 1998. Well, it looks like we are now in luck as they have a site that is collecting all that they created.

For those who aren’t familiar with the Whole Earth Catalog, here’s the founder’s, Stewart Brand, description of the project:

“We are as gods” said, “At a time when the New Left was calling for grass-roots political (i.e., referred) power, Whole Earth eschewed politics and pushed grassroots direct power—tools and skills. At a time when New Age hippies were deploring the intellectual world of arid abstractions, Whole Earth pushed science, intellectual endeavor, and new technology as well as old. As a result, when the most empowering tool of the century came along—personal computers (resisted by the New Left and despised by the New Age)—Whole Earth was in the thick of the development from the beginning.”

Enjoy! I know I will.    : )


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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