The Smile Grows

Dean Putney had an interesting idea to make a few hundred blank business cards. Well, sort of blank, except that a simple smiley face : ) was printed on one side.  He’s used them over time to break the ice with strangers by asking them to complete a drawing from that starting point, and has collected the results. We get to be the recipients of this treasure trove as he decided to share them on Boing Boing, where he is the lead engineer.

I’ve got to say that this is a stroke of genius, because he’s found a way to get through the awkward first meeting stage through such a unique and inspiring way. It helps to know that like a lot of us, he’s not always comfortable in an unknown environment meeting new people. So, without further ado, take a look at one that captured my attention and then go check out the Boing Boing post to see more awesome creations by strangers who helped Dean break the ice. Totally brilliant idea!!! And the smile grows…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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