What’s Your Passion?

Typically, we’re talked to at length (very long length) about what we’re to do with our lives. At the beginning of our careers, we ask for advice from those who matured before us. Whether they know us well or not, they’ll probably try to steer us to the right path based on their own experiences. And those experiences of those before them, and so on. We’re all basing our life decisions on what people in the past told the next generation, without the benefit of the knowledge of all that is available today…if we choose to find it.

Larry Smith, an economics professor at the University of Waterloo has decided to give us the talk that we all probably wished we’d heard before we chose our career path. As a person who sees things logically (or so you’d assume as he’s an economics professor), you would expect the talk that we’ve all been given. If you work hard, then you’ll get your just rewards. Your passions are for your off-times. Will you be able to support yourself and a family on your passion? The list of questions is endless, and most still resound even today. But the difference is that we are now in a period of time where the whole world has opened up to us. So, why satisfy yourself with a job which has little guarantee of stability and goes against your dreams. If your world is going to be unstable, shouldn’t you be doing something that drives you to create every single day of your life? Something that fills your well so that you don’t have to wait for the weekend with baited breath. Something that has no boundaries to expanding yourself, and finding your true identity.

Larry give us a talk that is blunt and necessary.  It’s a no hold barred lecture that isn’t just a lecture, but a wake up call that your life is yours to make (or not). Can you face yourself in the mirror everyday knowing that you’re not pursuing what might be because you’ve settled for what is? It’s not an easy road, and you have to be prepared for people’s reactions to your decision (especially when it sounds far-fetched to them). But know that your potential will be recognized by someone, and maybe even lead to collaborations that bring it all to successful life. You’ll make mistakes, but you’ll also learn and grow. It all depends on how invested you are in your passion. So, what’s your passion, and how can it help change the world that we live in?

Looking around, it’s obvious that more dreamers are needed ASAP. Passions, please apply!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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