A Wish For Billy and Ron

I’ve covered Whitestone Motion Pictures before (check them out, because they do amazing creations), but this video and story needs to be shared to send a wish for Billy and Ron. Be forewarned because you will cry when you read the story. But the main thing to share is the happiness that their friends, Billy and Ron, managed to come out of a dire situation with their lives, however changed they are. And with this new journey, best friends Billy and Nicolas have rechristened their music collaboration as Brothers Bright in commemoration of this new life they were handed.

The story of being a victim of a drunk driver is always there, lurking like a storm yet to unleash its full fury on unsuspecting souls. I’ll admit that I am not fond of alcohol for my own personal reasons. To each their own, though it’s most definitely not for me. If you can handle it responsibly, well, then it’s up to you. I’m glad that this story had a happy outcome in that they are still alive. I wish them the best on their journey towards recovery – hopefully full recovery. The fact that Billy is persevering through some extreme challenges is a credit to his own strength and belief. He didn’t give up, but faced his fears head on. That is a testament to him as well as his loved ones. Bravo, Billy! And I hope that your friend Ron also gets back the life he wants as well.

To support Billy’s journey, check out the Brothers Bright release on iTunes. And let’s send a wish of health and happiness to Bill and Ron. Stay strong, guys!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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