Monthly Archives: April 2012

And Back To Hilarity…sort of

ok, so today’s soul-searching should at least end up on a fun note, so I submit the article “Scientists claim the way a person answers simple math problem is a good predictor of their belief in religion“. First of all, … Continue reading

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                  here’s a short list of our problems (it’s not complete) … authoritarianism, capitalism, classism, commercialism, conservatism, dogmatism, egoism, fascism, fatalism, malism, materialism, nationalism, pessimism, racism, sexism, skepticism, totalitarianism… Solutions??? Here’s one, maybe? Gotta … Continue reading

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Understanding (Get Ready to ball your eyes out)

I was lucky enough to work with handicapped people while I was in junior high school. The school had an amazing social program that allowed us to get to know them better through daily interactions. Frankly, all schools should have … Continue reading

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Fairy Tale Colors

                    Fairy tales comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Have you imagined how seasons seem to sweep in as though a page is turning in a book? Well, what if … Continue reading

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Yasmine’s Whimsy

                                      If you’re looking for whimsy, then you can probably find it at Cuded, my newest inspirational site of digital illustrations. Here’s … Continue reading

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NYC Images Online

                  I just saw through a tweet that the NYC Department of Records is providing online access to a lot of old images that can give us a taste of what New … Continue reading

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                            This image, Secret Eye In The Sky, has always been a dream of my mind’s eye, and what (well, the idea of it) got me hooked into … Continue reading

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What The Network Means To Me

I listened to the folks talking about protecting the future of the Internet on Hacking Society on Tuesday. Now, there’s a word that I really love to see when discussing change: hacking. There’s also a pretty awesome post written by … Continue reading

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Introverts Unite In Hiding

                I laughed when I saw this image posted by Kyllingsara with her tale of an Introverted Extrovert, because I totally relate to the image. I lean much more to the introverted side … Continue reading

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The End?

The sun shone through the windows as Tammy washed the dishes left from the mad rush of breakfast. “What a beautiful day it is out there!“, Tammy thought as she lifted up another dish to be cleaned. Suddenly, the quiet … Continue reading

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