Celebration of Holi Color

Have you ever wanted to see a celebration of color? To be mesmerized by explosions of cascading, glittering bursts from a rainbow that allows you to swim within its depth while your feet are firmly placed on the ground? The absolute joy that it embraces can be felt through the lens through which we observe. We are all alive in this small clip of time known as Holi in the Hindu culture. After reading about it, I can completely understand why it’s such a welcome celebration. These are the few days where the barriers are torn down, and everyone comes together to share in the beginning of Spring, the birth cycle of nature. How fitting that such an exuberant time is filled with the same colors that carpet the landscape all across our beautiful planet. And how thankful that the crew from Variable was there to capture all of this magic and share it with us.

I am truly in AWE of this video!!!! Thank you, Variable, for these moments of pure magic.

p.s. Ever want to take a look at the behind-the-scenes of a film crew. The team who shot this video is part of Variable, and they have an incredible blog that shows static shots of them working, along with finished products of their labor. This is the life of art creating art, and it’s a really wonderful ride as you go through their timeline.

– Thanks for finding this beautiful energy, Colossal!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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