Making It Through Anything

I somehow stumbled on this story when I was browsing through Reddit, and was totally amazed by this boy’s story. Choi Sung-Bong is only 22, but his life has been anything but easy. Left in an orphanage at 3 and running away from beatings at 5, he’s lived most of his life on the streets. He sold gum and energy drinks while trying to stay safe, until he came across a classical singer in a night club who inspired him to start singing. He managed to find a teacher who taught him for free after he went to see just how Choi lived. And then Choi entered the Korea’s Got Talent show and won second place. Talk about inspirational!

Suddenly, my life seems a whole lot easier than what Choi had to live through. And frankly, if he can work hard to reach his dreams, then none of us really has an excuse to not do the same. I didn’t even make it to the one minute mark of his singing before I was crying. I really hope that he goes far and never has to let go of his dreams. What an incredible story!

p.s. Yes, I know that I’m late with this story (he was discovered last year), but I just found it too powerful to not share.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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