Your B of A by…Guess Who?

Looks pretty real, huh? Is it really B of A reaching out to us? Guess who did it…














This link (prepare to laugh) is the latest hijinks thought up by the incredible Yes Men. It all started out with the customary announcement that any good business does to inform their shareholders of a new change in operations. But this change was more than a little eye-opening because they were partnering with the taxpayers to revamp their business model. And as you can see from the brilliant user ads above and on the site, the taxpayers took their new role to heart.

The intro letter from the man himself, Moynihan, starts off with such warmth that you have to believe that this change of heart is for real:

Dear Fellow American,

Welcome to your Bank of America.

Today, it’s time to acknowledge that our Bank isn’t working anymore—not just for the market, but for people, our real customers.

The Yes Men have done it again, and did it with brilliance. The day that this kind of thought really does occur in the banking industry will be a miracle. If you’re into lotteries, that’s the day I’d go buy one because everything has frozen over (not just Hell).

– found through the power of people on Twitter!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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