Stay Up…




Never has truer words been spoken. I’m one of those people known as a night owl who does her best work in those darkest of hours. Daylight isn’t necessarily a distraction. It just isn’t the comfortable setting I need to let my mind go. Annoyingly enough, I get a lot of ideas from dreams. It’s annoying because they can be so fleeting – even if you have a pen and paper handily nearby. I repeat key settings in my head so that I can write then down and build the thread back up. Unfortunately, I have so many partial stories laying around because they never make me feel as good as the dream did.

But staying up and pushing past your last reserves actually does give you an amazing creative burst that’s fun and nonsensical. You know that you just want to stop and lay your head down for one minute to stop the avalanche of ideas, but you’re afraid the train will stop crashing through that creative block you fear. The pillows laying about near you take on the texture of fluffy mounds of the lightest whipped cream you’ve ever seen. They develop personalities so that you can almost hear their beckoning to “put your head down on me. You know you want to. You know that you’re just sooooo tired…” But you ignore the temptresses because that idea is now glittering in your mind like a rare diamond.

Now, if I can actually get one of these stories to reach the same glorious levels that my dreams had, I would be the happiest creator in this world. Thanks god, insanity goes hand in hand with creativity. We all get our best ideas when we’re at our most silliest states. It’s the best part of creativity!!!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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