I caught this video on the ever amazing Zealous.co, and was naturally curious when I saw the title “How To Start A Riot” along with Zealous’ hook asking if we missed the London riots. Now, in this day and age, anything that has this content would not get far against those ever-vigilant eyes that seek law and order (the actions, not the show). But once you get through the first few seconds, you know that this isn’t going to be your everyday instructional video. It’s cute and it’s hilarious, as the two leads are the modern day equivalent to Abbott and Costello. The creator, Richard Brooker, obviously has a great sense of humor while “attacking” a topic that is just a bit popular nowadays. Take a look, and get ready to laugh at the slap stick.
p.s. Check out more incredible artists at Zealous.co. You’ll be glad you did.