Monthly Archives: April 2012

Wonders by Yuta

Never have I seen a more perfect illustration about the amazing wonders of science as done by Yuta Onoda, a Japanese illustrator who is based in Canada. Is this the feeling that you get when you are looking at the … Continue reading

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Stay Up…

      Never has truer words been spoken. I’m one of those people known as a night owl who does her best work in those darkest of hours. Daylight isn’t necessarily a distraction. It just isn’t the comfortable setting … Continue reading

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Lost Children

                  In Brazil, Rogério Puhl is making a statement about Lost Children in a series that explores the boogiemen in kids lives, and perhaps how they try to deal with them. We … Continue reading

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Sea Recycling

                      I got a chance to delve more into Street Art News, since it’s been a while, and found another incredibly beautiful piece by ZED1 called Sea Recycling. The fresh … Continue reading

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Helping Arms

        And speaking of amazing messages on the street, Herakut has finished a new welcome message in Mannheim, Germany that is heartwarming and promising. The title is “Sisters helping brothers helping sisters…” and it’s all about helping … Continue reading

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A New Look At Immigration

                  One of my favorite street artists, Blu, has once again made a very powerful and painful statement on the subject of immigration. Every country in this world has people trying to … Continue reading

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Your B of A by…Guess Who?

Looks pretty real, huh? Is it really B of A reaching out to us? Guess who did it…                           This link (prepare to laugh) is the latest hijinks … Continue reading

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Stay Curious

                      No one looks looks or acts exactly alike. We all have our own styles. So instead of spending so much time giving someone the evil eye because they don’t … Continue reading

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So This Is Happy

It’s the end of another week and I hope that it was a good one for you. But if not, then how about a peek that will make you think, “So, this is happy”:             … Continue reading

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The Tube Open Movie

We are all about sharing in this new world of ours that is struggling to be set free. The people who are walking on this new path are the brave explorers who are willing to give their all in creating … Continue reading

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