Seriously, This Is Crime Fighting

Paul Radu is building a platform for the hacker community to collaborate with investigative journalists to expose the most vile, dangerous, and bizarre global corruption you never knew existed.

This is how the article, The Investigative Dashboard – Hacking Crime and Corruption, starts out on Boing Boing and it only gets better as you listen to and read about the concept of hackers and investigative journalists collaborating to fight crime. All of those laws that governments are trying to pass aren’t even coming close to fighting crime, most likely because so many actually participate in the corruption.

Paul and his intrepid team is developing this tool to help people get involved in fighting the type of crime that affects their lives directly. Any time a politician votes with money; anytime a criminal has fingers in the legal system; anytime a poor individual gets swept away by “legalities” while fighting the good fight – that’s when the people take one (unfairly) for the team. But now, innovative people everywhere are changing the game by literally changing the game. Yes, education pays off and here’s more definitive proof of that sentiment. So, go out there and learn about the true crimes so that you too can find a way to give a hand in making sure life is played on an even playing field.

And government everywhere, seriously, this is crime fighting.

– thanks Boing Boing for this incredible project find!!!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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