Thought For The Day – Future Has No Lobbyist

“The past, in general, is over-represented in Washington. The future has no lobbyists.”

– Representative Jim Cooper (D-TN)

I saw (and heard) this phrase that went around during the Hacking Society gathering (brought to us by Union Square Ventures), and was struck by its absolute brilliance (as were a lot of other people). This is indeed the reason why society is currently in a struggle with governments around the world. Look around your governing halls and just find the many people who are willing to embrace the future, even if it means that it would negate the present status quo. If you find these representatives, then go look at their political records. The same goes for the business world. Go find those leaders who embrace the unknown that wraps itself around our future, even if it’s a costly venture for them. Find people who believe in a future full of innovation and still aren’t afraid of the unknowns.

When you do, support them. Become one of them if there aren’t enough of them. Just do something so that this quote becomes false, because the world will be full of people who are lobbyists for our collective prosperous future. And this is saying a lot coming from me, since I’m not particularly fond of lobbyists.

-> Read more about Mike Masnick’s thoughts on participating at Hacking Society: It’s Time To Measure The Immeasurable.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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