This film short, Code Hunters, premiered in 2006 at the MTV Asia Awards, and was done in collaboration with Ben Hibon (Stateless films), Blinkink, and Axis Animation. Code Hunters is another gritty representation of what fighting the system feels like.
It’s especially difficult when you are short of resources against a Goliath, but it’s not in vain if you’ve got the smarts and the will to think on an angle against standard linear approaches. It’s also seems impossible to fight against a monstrous propaganda machine that seeks to create a broad-stroked Wanted poster that fits anyone who doesn’t slide into the mold of status quo. Except that we individuals are doing just that everyday, and its getting stronger. Strangely, our world is rapidly evolving in a way that the status quo is not only being outnumbered, but it’s also being surrounded by the fringe. Sure, we’ve got a way to go before this flip becomes permanent, but it is happening. Laws are not only being protested, but we’re questioning their validity. As are we putting our titanic leaders under a microscope and through a sieve. No matter where you look, the world is being turned on its head, and that’s a good thing. It needs to keep growing.
We are all code hunters who have to fight for the life we want to choose. It’s not about waiting for the hand out. It’s about using these hands for building a light that shines on theĀ absenceĀ of all that’s currently wrong with this world we’re living in. Set your focus on the bad and start replacing our evolutionary curve with a better, brighter world than the one you just saw (and the one we’re in).
– thanks to Youtube for this find while I was swimming around