Google Transparency Report Reveals













Techdirt covered the story last week of Google expanding its Transparency Report with a new section on copyright takedowns. With the Internet continually fighting for it very own life because of misguided takedowns like Brian Kamerer’s Open Letter to Jay Leno, this report will take on even more importance as the individual creators fight against corporate behemoths who have abused the DMCA system for far too long. Currently the Google Transparency Report focuses on search links takedowns, but that will probably grow as the US and other governments push further draconian legislation to extend copyright way past its validity.

We all understand that some form of rights are needed to protect the individual creator, so that they might get a fair share of the rewards and acknowledgement for their hard labor. But we have to recognize that the world is built upon learning from one another and taking that knowledge to the next level with our own unique take on the knowledge. Until we learn that knowledge is meant to be shared and not owned, we’ll have to rely on the Googles of the world to shine the light upon the destructive behavior being wrought by capitalistic titans who do not understand the true nature of innovation and creativity.

It’s a shame that legal holds little meaning in today’s world. Legality now consists of a bunch of confusing jargon that does little for morality. Not the religious kind, but the human kind. Right now we’re seeing way too many violations that our leaders claim are legal, but are far from moral in their results. And that’s got to stop! It doesn’t matter who makes the claim, if the results affect the masses within society brutally.

– Don’t forget to take a detail look at the entire Transparency Report. There’s a wealth of data that shines a light on governments as well.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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