A Beautiful Story – The Girl and the Fox


Stories of revenge don’t necessarily turn into a beautiful story, unless they’re being told by someone like Base14. It seems that this story is something new from this group, but it is definitely one that should be shared. Especially since it’s a story based solely on actions, and not words. Yes, we all know that actions speak louder than words, but the story of The Girl and the Fox is absolute proof of this belief. That this story is winning awards is to be expected. The visuals, the musical accompaniment, and most definitely the storyline are so smoothly integrated that the experience would not exist without them so closely intertwined. That’s the hallmarks of any good story: you are so deeply immersed that you feel a part of it.

It also helps that this story “speaks” about looking beyond actions, to observe the spirit behind them. This is the most powerful way to learn about the world around you. Rarely are actions straightforward, and the girl learns this lesson and its results the hard way. But it’s worth it because she sees the fox in a new light.

Watch The Girl and the Fox and keep your eyes out on these guys. I have a feeling that they’ll only get better if they keep this emotion alive!

– thanks Vimeo for continually sharing such amazing stories


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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