
So, all of this week, I’ve been feeling really put out. Like a horse that got put out into the middle of a dry desert with no horizon in sight. Yeah, I figured that the elections had partly to do with this. Every two to four years, we are expected to vote in new delegates that will help lead us into the future. And every decade, that lost promise slaps us in the face because of our naivete.

It’s especially frustrating that we still do some of the most important things in such antiquated ways. And it’s in direct contrast with how the rest of the world outside of politics (and its associate fiscal cabals) works. Take this video, for example, showing real world global collaborations that are literally changing the way that people think. Though we are still in the infant stage of this movement, the pressures pushing back against the status quo are increasing daily. Thank everything that is wonderful for this, because I needed to go to the end of this week with more hope than the last election just instilled in me (which was non-existent).

Macrowikinomics – we’re living it right now. We need to start strengthening the partnerships to do away with the opposition that thrives on living in the past.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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