More PDF 2012 – Carne Ross and The Revolution Of Us

Carne Ross used to be part of the establishment until he became disillusioned with it. Now he is part of the Leaderless Revolution, which he has written about and lives. He believes that we need to take back our agency and work together to create a new system that embrace the fullness of Us. A lot of us feel the same way as Carne.

Most of us find politics to be unpalatable. Carne lived it, so he truly knows about the shadows of politics that we all find repugnant. When someone from within that world that controls our global society tells us that he has no use for it and plans to rebuild, then we too should take note. Go out and vote has little meaning anymore. But it doesn’t mean that we throw away the lessons we learned. It means that we pick the most important factors, and use them to help us model something new for the 21st century and beyond.

We need to take control back, and literally rebuild the world around us. Not just the way we live, but the why and how. It will mean no less than our future survival. It’s really that important. Ignore the elections. Go out and collaborate with someone else who has an idea that replaces status quo. That’s the key to our future, and it’s everywhere. Just like Carne says.

This, then, is the new politics for a disorderly world. The defenders of the status quo claim that only their methods can maintain order. They are, in fact, achieving the opposite. The politics proposed here, and already evident in Occupy and elsewhere, can foment a deeper order, where people are connected to one another, reweaving our tattered social fabric, where work is fulfilling and responsible, and where everyone in society is given their proper voice and their interests are accounted for.” – from his article on The Nation

– from Personal Democracy Forum 2012


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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