Puttin’ On The Ritz In Moscow Style

So, I received this video link from my dad and was surprised that I hadn’t heard about it (since I love flash mobs). But this particular flash mob has a much bigger intention than simply surprising people in a good way.

Roots Action created a petition to teach our world leaders a valuable lesson – one that they all really need to learn. And using a group of extremely happy and talented Muscovites to show that Americans and Russians share much more than they realize is a pretty great way to deliver the message. It helps that we even get to see a newly married couple join the joyous dance, proving that good things come when we work together.

Sit back and enjoy Puttin’ on the Ritz in true Moscow style (wow, that snow looks good right now, huh?). Then let’s all work together on getting a universal message to all of our world leaders to let them know that the world that they used to know has changed. No matter how many road blocks our leaders use to protect the old ways, we’ll just throw up ways to show that We the People want to work with one another.

Peace takes work, and it also takes trust. It’s high past time to put the game of Risk in cold storage, so that the sun shines on a world willing to hold hands with one another without fear.

p.s. Thanks Dad! This one put a smile on my face.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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