I hope that everyone had a great holiday week (if you’re in the US). I took advantage of the time to do some traveling…long distance. My most prominent memory soon became the following image:
You can probably tell where I’m going with this post. Yup, I am brain-dead. Or at least brain-coma. Driving 7 hours non-stop will do that to you, I guess. When I was actually moving and not just staring at the rear bumper of a monster vehicle that blocked any forward view (yeah, I did that a lot on both trips). Yes, there was miles of stationary driving.
So this post will be a wishing post, as well as an apology that I’m not back up to full steam. Tomorrow you’ll see more inspiring finds. Or you’ll see stuff regarding flying because that’s part of my wish…to be able to fly over parking lots that claim to be freeways. Gridlock is never inspirational, on freeways or in politics. We’ve got both and that’s got to change.
For all of our sanity. In the meantime, hey all. I’m back. : )