Neil deGrasse Tyson – Children Aren’t The Problem

Reddit found a pretty smart video (started with an Imgur image) by our favorite astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson. And you have to admit that he is completely right on this topic. Children aren’t the problem. We adults are.

If you look around at many of the biggest problems that we’re facing, it started at the hands of adults and it continues to grow by adult hands. As a matter of fact, children are stepping up to the podium at many public events to tell us adults that we’ve got screwed up priorities, and they’re right.

When we’re young, we’re not afraid of dreaming the impossible or looking a little ridiculous when we make a mistake. We shrug off the negativity and keep moving forward. As we get older, it becomes harder because we’re so invested with our personal standing. And that was taught to us by this mixed up system that we continue to support. Why? Darned if I know.

But if we’re smart, we’ll start to listen to the children and maybe even follow some of their reminders. Kids aren’t the only ones with something to learn. We all are students in life. Those with open minds are the ones who can help us change the present so that we all have a future.

So, ignore those adults who ridicule your renegade nature. They just haven’t realized that you’re part of the group with the potential solutions that will get us to that better future we all dream about.

p.s. Read Umair Haque‘s latest: Declare Your Radicalness – he’s right. It’s your move.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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