Monthly Archives: August 2012

And Then KUT Brought Nature To Us

How do you not watch a video with a title like “Oh Joy!“? Well, the answer is that you do…with a smile. And afterwards you find out about a creative collective going by the name of KUT in Latvia, who … Continue reading

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Changing Hues Of Saturn

Saturn has fascinated us ever since the first time we saw those beautiful rings in our earthly sights. Recently, Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations (CICLOPS) released a new set of images that are amongst the most beautiful I’ve ever … Continue reading

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Honestly, Old Spice can always be counted on for some crazy video imagery and this one fits right in with the library of craziness as done by the Old Spice guys. In this video, Terry Crews uses his muscles and … Continue reading

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Relationships Are Hard – Hearing In Them Can Be Harder

Wow, Reddit, you allowed me to stumble on an incredible video that I was not expecting to see. S&G – Sound of Silence connects us to a world where hearing is not an option. Deaf people are disabled in some … Continue reading

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When Fans Talk

                          I saw this screen shot on Reddit, talking about Microsoft’s closing of Halo 2 on XBox live. Although I’m not a gamer, I am fascinated by online … Continue reading

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It Really Does Help…

                      This image gets right down to the basics of manners. It means that it really does help when you use proper manners and think about the person on the … Continue reading

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              And after being overwhelmed by contemplating the details of the universe, you just need to have some silly fun. So I present another Reddit find that really is pretty addicting. Here’s the full … Continue reading

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Fascination In Details

Breaking down objects down to their minutest detail is a fascination that we all have. We like to understand the whole by knowing the parts first. So when we get a chance to reverse engineer those objects, we are just … Continue reading

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RIP Neil Armstrong – Man On The Moon This video created a fervor in the imagination of millions of people back in 1969. We all remember those famous words, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” We were in uncharted territories when we … Continue reading

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A Book Lover’s Life

So, we book lovers are truly addicted to our books. They transform our lives with every new word that we absorb. We have favorites that stay with us forever. They are extensions of ourselves that we’ll never let go, because … Continue reading

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