Boredom Inspires

Mark Applebaum was suffering from boredom as he played music that we’re all familiar with. As a matter of fact, you can say that we’ve all been in his position while pursuing a labor of love. But he decided to take his boredom head on, and see what would happen when he engages beyond the ordinary. Well, take a look at some of the instruments that he’s made, because they’re made from discarded items that we take for granted. And then see what inspires him to go beyond the familiar, like he does in his score writing. Honestly, his adaptations of watches and train maps are pretty amazing to see. It would be incredible to browse his notebooks, wouldn’t it?

Creativity always takes us along unknown paths when we keep our mind open to the extraordinary. It becomes that way because we become so fully engaged in the experience that we are changed during the process. Growth. Brilliance. And a bit of Bravery. Until boredom inspires us towards freedom.

– check out more of Mark’s talk on Ted


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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