La Cuisine – In Space

The space program puts some amazing things into orbit around our beautiful home and further. All of that travel makes an astronaut really hungry. So what do they eat? MREs? Nah, too square. Food pellets? Hey, do they look like fish to you? Hmmm, so what should they cook? Well, if your home is famous for La Cuisine (perhaps like the gastronomic wonders of France), then you know that your stomach is about to get very happy. But what ingredients should be used? Meat? Check (hey, it’s a fantasy). Carrots? Yummmm. Add a few more ingredients and then pair it with…a gorgeous bottle of bordeaux and you have Un Petit Plat Pour l’Homme (instead of a small step, you get a small dish).

This sweet little short was forwarded by Christophe Charron, and gives us a new hope for the space program. No more packaged food. Only the exquisite French cooking that leaves us drooling in hunger until we can take that first bite. And it’ll be as good as that first step we took on the Moon. A little home away from home, with an amazing view of home. Corentin Charron is a third year student at Supinfocom Arles (the same school that gave us A Fox Tale). Find more about this delicious work on Congrats to Corentin on a great piece of floating inspiration!

p.s. I’ll like to see these two eat in space. Thank goodness they didn’t choose peas. 😉


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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